Project Goal: National competition entry for design of gateway to the City of Tucson
Location: Tucson, Arizona: Veinte de Agosto Park at Congress Avenue and Interstate 10
The Story: The design developed in collaboration with architect Les Wallach, of Line and Space, celebrates the Sonoran Desert by using steel conical shapes up to that represent needles of a saguaro cactus. The southern conic section of each needle was designed to be coated in a photo-voltatic film, which would generate electricity to supply lighting and irrigation, with the remainder going back to the grid. Entry was awarded 1st place in March of 2002.
Particulars: (50) "Saguaro Needles", up to 180' in height, would be interspersed within a grove of 100 Desert Museum palo verde trees. Night lighting is provided by solar powered light emitting diodes. The project includes recycled materials, generation of solar energy, rainwater harvesting, and resource awareness exhibits.